Yesu Ni Bwana
Sharing the love of Jesus Christ in Tanzania
Evangelism and Church Planting
At the heart of all we do at Yesu Ni Bwana, Inc is a desire to share the Good News of redemption and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ with the people of Tanzania. In cooperation with the Baptist Convention Tanzania we support evangelists/church planters who are full time workers in this ministry.
Presently, Yesu Ni Bwana, Inc. supports four full time evangelists in strategic areas where little or no Christian witness exists. It is our desire to see this ministry expand in coming days. Even now we have gifted evangelists who would be willing to move their families to other unreached areas and begin sharing the truth of God’s Word and the love of Jesus with these unchurched groups. Just $80.00 per month would provide for their family’s needs and allow these men of faith to become full time evangelists and church planters.
U.S. Board of Directors
Bob Caudill – Naples, Fl.
Katy Caudill – Naples, Fl
Michelle Henry – Tampa, Fl.
Marcus Rotundo – Cleveland, NY.
Genie Rotundo – Cleveland, NY.
Our African Partners
Richard Mwaihuti – Director of Tanzania Operations and Supervisor of Evangelism
Moses and Tunosye Mboya – Principle Advisors and MTAM Farm Managers
Frank Mwamwaja – Director of Children’s Care
Saphel Kasunga – Assistant Director of Children’s Care
Violet Kasunga – Accountant
Duncan Mwaipaja – Bible Teacher, Matema Beach High School
Jonathan Mwakyusa – Bible Teacher, Nyasa Lake Shore High School