Yesu Ni Bwana

Sharing the love of Jesus Christ in Tanzania

ORPHAN CARE (Mimi’s Kids)

In 2006, Yesu Ni Bwana, Inc and Edson and Renda Knapp in cooperation with Makwale Baptist Church and the Baptist Convention Tanzania completed and opened a safe home to provide care for some of the many children left orphaned by the AIDS epidemic in Sub Saharan Africa and in particular the Kyela District of Tanzania one of the most devastated districts Tanzania.


MTAM Ministry Farm

In 2018, as a partner with our principle advisors in Tanzania, Yesu Ni Bwana, Inc. helped purchase a 120 acre farm. Our dream is that this farm will become a complete working commercial farm providing a livelihood for our friends Moses and Tunosye Mboya as well as opportunity for young men who prefer farming as an occupation to learn how to be profitable farmers.



In 2008 Yesu Ni Bwana, Inc began a partnership with a newly constructed high school, Matema Beach High School in Matema, Tanzania. As Matema Beach High School has grown so has our Bible teaching program there. Today over 800 children participate in weekly Bible study as part of their school curriculum.



For many Christians, one of the most exciting things they ever do is take some short term mission trip; especially if the trip is to some place they may otherwise never visit. To meet, work with, and encourage fellow Christians from a new and different culture and to worship in a new and exciting way can be the experience of a lifetime. At least once a year we try to provide that experience for some of our brothers and sisters here in the U.S.

U.S. Board of Directors

Bob Caudill – Naples, Fl.
Katy Caudill – Naples, Fl
Michelle Henry – Tampa, Fl.
Marcus Rotundo – Cleveland, NY.
Genie Rotundo – Cleveland, NY.

Our African Partners

Richard Mwaihuti – Director of Tanzania Operations and Supervisor of Evangelism
Moses and Tunosye Mboya – Principle Advisors and MTAM Farm Managers
Frank Mwamwaja – Director of Children’s Care
Saphel Kasunga – Assistant Director of Children’s Care
Violet Kasunga – Accountant
Duncan Mwaipaja – Bible Teacher, Matema Beach High School
Jonathan Mwakyusa – Bible Teacher, Nyasa Lake Shore High School